FreedomWorks for America Announces Second Round of House Endorsements for 2020

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — FreedomWorks for America is proud to announce its second round of endorsements of 2020 House candidates. Today, FreedomWorks for America endorses the following pro-small government and free market Republicans for the US House of Representatives:

  • Rosemary Becchi in New Jersey’s seventh congressional district
  • Amanda Makki in Florida’s 13th congressional district
  • Terry Neese in Oklahoma’s fifth congressional district
  • Yvette Herrell in New Mexico’s second congressional district
  • Jeanne Ives in Illinois’ sixth congressional district

Noah Wall, FreedomWorks for America Executive Director, commented: 

“In FreedomWorks for America’s first round of endorsements last month, we focused on protecting members of the House Freedom Caucus who are already being targeted by Nancy Pelosi and the DCCC. With our second round of endorsements, we are focused on supporting strong conservatives in key Democratic districts across the country. Retaking the House is paramount, and to do so we must support young, energetic conservatives such as these who will play a critical part in rebuilding the GOP’s House majority.”

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Peter Vicenzi

Director of Communications
